Originalni naučni rad/Original scientific paper
UDC 556.332.52:551.583(497.11)
DOI https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2327051C


Golub LJ. Ćulafić1, Ana Milanović Pešić2 i Jelena Golijanin3
1Zavod za hidrometeorologiju i seizmologiju Crne Gore, Podgorica, Crna Gora
2Geografski institut „Jovan Cvijić“ SANU, Beograd, Srbija
3Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Filozofski fakultet, Pale, Republika Srpska, BiH


Sažetak: Rijeka Tara sa svojih 146 km toka najduža je rijeka u Crnoj Gori. Ima prostrani sliv, površine 2040 km2 (do profila Šćepan Polje), sa dosta razvijenom hidrografskom mrežom (posebno u gornjem dijelu), na koju je bitno uticao geološki sastav terena. Analiza je rađena za sliv rijeke Tare do profila hidrološke stanice Trebaljevo. Klima na istraživanom prostoru je umjerenokontinentalna, sa hladnim zimama i blagim ljetima. Srednja godišnja temperatura vazduha za analizirani period u Kolašinu iznosi 7.4°C, dok je godišnja količina padavina 2126 mm. Sliv pripada nivalno-pluvijalnom vodnom režimu, dinarsko-makedonskom podtipu. Višegodišnji prosječni proticaj na hidrološkoj stanici Trebaljevo iznosi 24.6 m3/s. Analiza rezultata pokazuje statistički značajne negativne trendove samo u sezoni ljeto (na nivou 99.9 %) i na godišnjem nivou (na nivou 95 %), dok ostala višegodišnja (1966–2014) sezonska kolebanja srednjih proticaja nemaju statistički značaj. Proučavano područje karakterišu značajni pozitivni trendovi godišnjih (0.04°C godišnje) i sezonskih temperatura vazduha (najizraženiji u sezoni ljeto – 0.07°C godišnje). S druge strane, trendovi padavina bili su negativni, posebno u ljetnjoj sezoni (smanjenje za 0.55 mm godišnje), kada su i same vrijednosti temperature najviše porasle.

Ključne riječi: rijeka Tara, proticaj, temperatura, padavine, snijeg, trend.



Golub Lj. Ćulafić1, Ana Milanović Pešić2 and Jelena Golijanin3
1Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro2
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, Belgrade, Serbia
3University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, Pale, Republic of Srpska, B&H

Abstract: The Tara River with its 146 km course is the longest river in Montenegro. It has a large watershed, with an catchment area of 2040 km2 (up to the Šćepan Polje), with a well-developed hydrographic network (especially in the upper part), which was significantly influenced by the geological composition of the terrain. The analysis was done for the Tara River basin at the hydrological station Trebaljevo profile. The climate in the researched area is moderate-continental, with cold winters and mild summers. The average annual air temperature for the analyzed period in Kolašin is 7.4°C, while the annual amount of precipitation is 2126 mm. The basin belongs to the nival-pluvial water regime, Dinaric-Macedonian subtype. The perennial average flow at hydrological station Trebaljevo is 24.6 m3/s. The analysis of the results shows statistically significant negative trends only in the summer season (at the level of 99.9 %) and at the annual level (at the level of 95 %), while the other perennial (1966–2014) seasonal mean flow fluctuations have no statistical significance. The studied area is characterized by significant positive trends in annual (0.04°C per year) and seasonal air temperatures (most pronounced in the summer season – 0.07°C per year). On the other hand, precipitation trends were negative, especially in the summer season (decrease by 0.55 mm per year), when the temperature values themselves increased the most.

Key words: Tara River, flow, temperature, precipitation, snow, trend.

CITIRAJTE (Cite this article):

Ćulafić, G. LJ., Milanović Pešić, A., & Golijanin, J. (2023). Promjene vrijednosti klimatskih elemenata i njihov uticaj na vodni režim gornjeg toka Tare. Glasnik/Herald, 27, 51‒69. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2327051C

Ćulafić, G. LJ., Milanović Pešić, A., & Golijanin, J. (2023). Changes in the Values of Climate Elements and Their Impact on the Water Regime of the Upper Stream of Tara River. Glasnik/Herald, 27, 51‒69. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2327051C

Autor za korespondenciju: Golub LJ. Ćulafić, Zavod za hidrometeorologiju i seizmologiju Crne Gore, 4 Proleterske 19, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora, E-mail: golub.culafic@meteo.co.me
Corresponding author: Golub Lj. Ćulafić, Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro, 4 Proleterske 19, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, E-mail: golub.culafic@meteo.co.me