Originalni naučni rad/Original scientific paper
UDC 331.101.264.2(497.6Republika Srpska)
DOI https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2327181D

Dragica Delić1 i Luka Sabljić1
1Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, BiH


Sažetak: Rad analizira promjene u zaposlenosti po sektorima privrede u Republici Srpskoj i njenim nodalno-funkcionalnim regijama u periodu 2009–2019. godine. Analiza promjena u strukturi zaposlenih urađena je metodom promjene udjela (shift-share) kako bi se utvrdilo da li su ukupni učinci promjena zaposlenosti u regijama u odnosu na nacionalni prosjek rezultat njegove ekonomske strukture i/ili stopa rasta njegovih sektora. Posmatrano je kretanje broja zaposlenih na nacionalnom nivou (u ovom slučaju nivou Republike Srpske), regionalnom nivou (regije Republike Srpske) i lokalnom nivou (gradovi i opštine u pripadajućim regijama). Rezultati ukazuju na izraženu regionalnu nejednakost u zaposlenosti. Nacionalna komponenta zaposlenosti, to jeste promjena uzrokovana nacionalnim trendom, najveća je u Banjalučkoj regiji, zatim u Dobojsko-bijeljinskoj i Sarajevsko-zvorničkoj regiji, a najmanja u Trebinjsko-fočanskoj regiji. Rezultati analize sektorske komponente ukazuju na to da kretanje broja zaposlenih na nacionalnom nivou negativno utiče na kretanje broja zaposlenih na nivou svih regija u prva tri sektora, od kojih je najveća negativna promjena zabilježena u sekundarnom sektoru u svim regijama. Pozitivnu vrijednost promjene bilježi samo kvartarni sektor, najveću u Banjalučkoj regiji, a najmanju u Trebinjsko-fočanskoj regiji. Rezultati analize lokalne komponente na nivou regija Republike Srpske ukazuju na to da samo Banjalučka regija ima konkurentske prednosti kada je u pitanju kretanje ukupnog broja zaposlenih.

Ključne riječi: regionalna nejednakost, ekonomski rast, metoda promjene udjela (shift-share), Republika Srpska.


Dragica Delić1 and Luka Sabljić1
1University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, B&H


Abstract: The study examines shifts in workforce distribution across economic sectors within the the Republic of Srpska and its nodal-functional regions during the years 2009 to 2019. The examination of alterations in the employee composition was carried out through the application of the shift-share methodology. This approach aimed to ascertain whether the collective impacts of employment changes in the regions, in comparison to the national average, can be attributed to their economic structure, the growth rates of their respective sectors, or a combination thereof. Employee count fluctuations were monitored across multiple tiers: the national scale (specifically, the Republic of Srpska), the regional level (encompassing various regions within the Republic of Srpska), and the local level (encompassing cities and municipalities within those respective regions). The findings suggest significant disparities in employment across different regions. The employment’s national element, which signifies the alteration due to the overall national trend, is most substantial in the Banja Luka region, succeeded by the Doboj-Bijeljina and Sarajevo-Zvornik regions. Conversely, it is least prominent in the Trebinje-Foča region. The outcomes derived from the examination of the sector-specific element reveal that changes in the employee count at the national level exert a detrimental influence on the employee count alterations across all regions, particularly within the first three sectors. Notably, the most substantial adverse shift was observed in the secondary sector across all regions. Solely the quaternary sector demonstrated a positive change value, with the most significant increase noted in the Banja Luka region and the smallest in the Trebinje-Foča region. The findings from the assessment of the regional-level local component within the Republic of Srpska suggest that exclusively the Banja Luka region possesses competitive strengths concerning the fluctuations in the overall employee count.

Keywords: regional inequality, economic expansion, shift-share method, Republic of Srpska.

CITIRAJTE (Cite this article):

Delić, D., & Sabljić, L. (2023). Regionalna diferencijacija strukturnih promjena zaposlenosti stanovništva Republike Srpske. Glasnik/Herald, 27, 181‒200. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2327181D

Delić, D., & Sabljić, L. (2023). Regional Differentiation of Structural Changes in Employment of the Population of the Republic of Srpska. Glasnik/Herald, 27, 181‒200. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2327181D

Autor za korespondenciju: Dragica Delić, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Mladena Stojanovića 2, 78000 Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina, E-mail: dragica.delic@pmf.unibl.org
Corresponding author: Dragica Delić, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Mladena Stojanovića 2, 78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail: dragica.delic@pmf.unibl.org